Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Story So Far

[A Pub in Dublin, Ireland]
*The Chain Mail Gang finds themselves at various stages of drunkenness, with Hide being the drunkest, and Megami being the most sober.*
MEGAMI: So when are we going home?
RYUU: Yeah...I need to feed my fish.
NARI: What?! Ryuu, it's been four weeks here!
HIDE: The fish is bound to be dead by now!
RYUU: I even have a fish?
EVERYONE: *facepalm*
WAITRESS: Can I refill ye? *holding a pitcher of ale*
HIDE: Yes! *holds up his glass*
REIKO: Hm...I guess one more couldn't really hurt.
USAGI-SAN: Well...I suppose I'll take a refill.
RYUU: Aye, lassie! Fill it up t'the brim!
NARI & MEGAMI: No, thanks.
*Waitress refills glasses and leaves*
*the band onstage begins to play Token Celtic Drinking Song*
HIDE & RYUU: OMG! *get up and start dancing...or stumbling*
NARI: *smiles*
MEGAMI: Reiko, I'm starting to really miss home.
REIKO: I know. I am, too, but it would be kind of rude to just leave everyone here. Plus, without us here to keep an eye on them, what would happen to Ireland?
MEGAMI: Good point. I guess the best thing to do is to try and make them all homesick.
REIKO: Probably a good idea. Hey, maybe we should tell them that Borders is having a sale...but only the one back home in Cannoli!
MEGAMI: Perfect! Tomorrow morning, we'll tell them!
REIKO: Hey, we'll see you all back at the hotel. It's late and we're getting tired.
USAGI-SAN: Okay, see you later!
*MEGAMI and REIKO leave*
HIDE: *drunkenly "dancing" all over* *trips and falls onstage onto the guitarist* Oh! Oh my god, I'm so sorry! ~Hey, he's kinda cute...!~
GUITARIST: *untangling himself from his guitar and standing* It's alright. Are you okay?
HIDE: *has blood running down the side of his face from the guitar hitting him* *doesn't notice* I'm fine...and so are you!
GUITARIST: ~Oh, great. Another one.~ Um...thanks. But listen, don't waste your time on me...I'm not like that.
HIDE: Damn! *walks away*
GUITARIST: You might want to get your head looked at!
HIDE: >o< *offended* GUITARIST: Ahh, no! Not like that! I meant the blood! HIDE: *feels head* *hand comes away bloody* Oh...I'll be fine. Thanks, though!
GUITARIST: ~Why do I always get the weird creepy ones?~ *wanders off*
RYUU: I want to playz a gamez. *hiccup* OKAY??
NARI: Naw, naw. We have to go drink more!
RYUU: But, with this game we get to drink more.
NARI: Are youz sure??
RYUU: Yes? No. *eyes loose focus* What was the question? *tilts head*
HIDE: BAH! I'm something...*falls down onto a stool and passes out*
USAGI-CHAN: I think you all need to sober up. Like, try drinking coffee or water.
RYUU: Who?
NARI: No, the correct answer is 'What?'.
RYUU: Why?
NARI: Just...Don't speak.
RYUU: T-T...*cries*
BARTENDER: ~Oh god emotional drunk.~
HIDE: *loud drunken voice* Where's the rent!?! *snore snore*
NARI: You don't get rent money!! Or do you?...I forget...I need more booze. *chugs a pint*
RYUU: *pokes Hide with a stick* Wake UP!!
HIDE: *falls off the chair* *wakes up on the floor* I'm still awake!!
*In the corner of the bar, Kyoki is doing shots with an Irish Drunk*
KYOKI: So I put this on my arm *holds up salt* and then drink this? *holds up the shot glass full of tequila* And then drink this lemon?
DRUNKARD: Ooo I think ya do indeed.
KYOKI: Well if you say so...*licks the salt* GRAH!! *takes shot glass, puts it to mouth, throws neck back, drowns it and throws it back to table*
DRUNKARD: AHH! Good job lassie!
KYOKI: Waoh. I can't see. Spinning.
[Dublin Pub, upstairs, room 217]
Reiko: you understand the password? *the room is dark, the sound of ropes tightening can be heard*
Megami: yup! teddy! *smiles brightly* *light turns on and a room with Megami in a school girl uniform ties to the bedposts is revealed.*
Reiko: *chuckles softly* Okay, ready? *on the dresser lies a feather, an unlit candle, a small box of matches with the words "it's Dublin Pub yo! Just drink!" emblazoned in Green on the front, and a picture frame with a picture of Megami with a bunny ear headband on Reiko's shoulders, both giving the victory sign* *Picking up the feather, Reiko walks over to the bed twirling it in his fingers.*
Megami: *gives Reiko a nervous look but covers it with a smile*
Reiko: No need to be weary little one, we've done this tons of times now, yes?
Megami: *nods weakly* y-yes. *Reiko reaches out with the feather in hand and trails it up her thigh. She represses a snicker and attempts to move away from the feather but the ropes keep her firmly in place* I can't! TEDDY! *closes her eyes and hangs her head*
Reiko: You have too much fun with that. *unties the ropes* *lies down next to Megami and gives her a kiss softly on her shoulder * You know, maybe we should just stick to sweetness.
Megami: hmm. Maybe.. I'm sorry Reiko, I'm just no good.
Reiko: That's a lie, you're just fine. Heck last time you screamed "teddy" before I even touched you
with the feather. You're doing wonderful!
Megami: I have an idea! Why don't we play a game! *sits up excitedly*
Reiko: Like what?
Megami: Candy Land! (o^_^o) tee hee hee! *happy giggle*
Reiko: *face-palm*

*Hide, Nari, Ryuu, Kyoki stumble into the room*
Reiko: DAMMIT!! *The drunk foursome jump, ready for battle. Hide's hands glow with fire, Ryuu's wand is at the ready, Nari produces a bazooka from who-knows-where, and Kyoki bears her fangs and readies to pounce*
Megami: Haha! Beat you again! Wanna try another?
Reiko: Stupid Boardwalk... *several board games piled up around them*
Hide,Nari,Ryuu,Kyoki: *facepalm*
Reiko: Oh, you guys are back. Well, let's close up for the night and get some sleep. You guys will have one hell of a time waking up, so it's better to get to bed now than later. *Drunkards proceed to their beds*
Megami: How did we get a room with five beds?
Reiko: That's a damn good question. *smile*
Megami: What did you do?
Reiko: I tweaked the code on my ring. Remember the whole spacial distortion pocket I can access?
Megami: Um... Not really, no.
Reiko: Oh, you weren't there for that... Anyways, the nano-machinery in the ring allows me access to a small sub-dimensional space pocket. I've messed with the code to allow me to store just about the size of a small room... *looks around room* ...of about this size. I can show you what I did here...
Megami: Wow! That's great! *absolute fake smile*
Reiko: You don't even care about the code, do you?
Megami: *still smiling* Not at all!
Reiko: Let's go to bed. *whispers* We'll start 'Operation: Borders' tomorrow morning. *gets back into bed, holds open covers for Megami* Well, coming to... *Megami is no longer standing where she was* Where'd you...
Megami: *pounces from end of bed* MHAH!!!
Reiko: Oof! *laughs* C'mon, time to sleep, beautiful.
Megami: *smiles* Goodnight!
[The Next Morning...]
Hide: *singing while standing over a frying pan, cracking eggs into it* Hum hum, and some eggs and yeah, scramble the eggs, oh yeah, scrambled eggs, dah dah dah...
Kyoki: *stumbles in, holding her head* Ughh...that's the LAST time I listen to a man with hair coming out his ears...*mimicks him* ay, just put this on yer arm, lassie...*normal voice* bastard...and how the hell are you so chipper?
Hide: I don't get hangovers! Another benefit of being Italian, I guess.
Kyoki: Italian? I thought you were from that place with all the horrible accents in it? ~I refuse to put those accents in, dammit!~ Khurzad Tumut?
Hide: Uhm...yeah, I'm not sure how that worked either. My mother always just said we were Italian.
Kyoki: Oh.
Nari: *staggers in* Coffee and tylenol. Now.
Hide: *hands her a steaming plate of eggs* I mixed in some ibuprofen with those eggs. Eat up! ^_^
Nari: Well, SOMEONE's a happy little housewife this morning.
Kyoki: It's because he's somehow Italian.
Nari: ....ookay, Kyoki. I'll pretend that makes sense.
Kyoki: *turns purple* Shut up...ow, the purple makes my head hurt...
Hide: *hands her a plate of eggs* ^_^
Ryuu: *enters, yawning* That was fun, but now my head hurts...
Hide: *gives her a plate of eggs* Eat up! ^_^
Reiko and Megami: *wander in looking at a newspaper*
Megami: *eating a bowl of Trix*
Reiko: Hey, guys. Look at this. *shows them an ad for 75% off everything at Borders*
Ryuu and Nari: O_________O WE MUST FIND A BORDERS IMMEDIATELY!! *stand*
Kyoki: Too loud! >_<# *holds hands over ears* Hide: Um, Kyoki? Use your own hands...*takes his share of eggs off the stove* *sits and eats* Reiko: But the only Borders that's having this sale is the one in Cannoli. Nari: ...How'd you get a newspaper from Cannoli when we're in Ireland? Megami: My teddy bear got it! *smiles at her teddy bear laying on the table* ^_^ Ryuu: We must return to Cannoli!! Hide: .....I'd really rather not. Reiko: *meaningful look* Don't you miss your house and the Cannoli Cafe? Hide: I sold my house...and the Cannoli Cafe is just like any other cafe here. I just don't think I could see Cale again. That's all. Megami: Oh...that's right. Reiko: But you want to go to Borders, right?? Hide: Not so much. Ryuu: We ride!! *poofs herself, Nari, and Kyoki off to Borders* Kyoki: Noooooo! Megami: Uh oh. Hide: What's the problem? Megami: Well....*pulls a Borders sticker off the ad to show "Doorknobs! 75% off!"* Hide: Why...? Reiko: We just wanted to leave Dublin. Usagi-san: *enters holding a stuffed rabbit* Well, you could have just said something. I think we're all done with Dublin now anyway. Megami: Um, Usagi-san? What's with the bunny? Usagi-san: What? I can't have a bunny to snuggle with? THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT! Hide: Woah... Ryuu, Nari, and Kyoki: *poof back* Ryuu: *eyes glow red* There was no sale... Reiko: Uh... Well, what do ya know? This is an old paper! *throws out the newspaper* Ryuu: *back to normal* Oh. Okay. Nari: Hmph. *crosses arms* Figures. Kyoki: ...*goes back to eating her eggs* Hide: So, after breakfast, we're we off to? ^^;;
Usagi-san: *spins a globe and puts his finger on a spot* appears our adventures shall take us next to...Kathmandu, Nepal!
Megami: Isn't that where Ryuu sent Dante?
Ryuu: No. I sent him to Mongolia.
Reiko: Right. So if we're going to Nepal...
Nari: We should make sure we're all up on our shots. *looks pointedly at Kyoki*
Kyoki: *gnawing at an itch on her tail*
Nari: *sigh* This won't be easy. *pulls a needle from her bag* Come here, Kyoki...
Kyoki: *looks up* Ehh? Why? *sees needle* O_O NO! STAY BACK! *flee*
Nari: No! Come back! Bad wolf-demon-thingy! COME BACK HERE! *chases after her*
Everyone else: <_<;;;;>
Kyoki: Hm? *stops to listen* Did I hear...?
Nari: Now!!! *stabs Kyoki in the arm*
Kyoki: AAAARRRGH! *spasm*
Nari: *yanks it out and wipes the blood off* Now that wasn't so bad, was it?
Kyoki: *hiss* *stalks toward Nari*
Megami: *smacks Kyoki with newspaper* You're bleeding! Here, take this and wipe yourself off! *hands Kyoki a band-aid and a cloth*
Kyoki: Um...Oh! *looks at her arm*
Kyoki's arm: *shooting out jets of blood*
Kyoki: ...It's not that bad?
Megami: Never mind. I'll do it. *slaps on the band-aid* *blood flow stops immediately*
Kyoki: Huh! *looks up at nothing in particular* It's almost like magic...
Hide: *walks in with luggage* It looks like a massacre in here. I leave for five minutes...
Reiko: Yeah. So, Nepal?
Ryu: Yes, Nepal! Let's go! *twirls staff*
Everyone: Wai-- *pop!*
Nari: ...New sound effect?
Ryu: It's on loan from Blood World. They sell more than gory things...
Nari: Right...
Hide: Changu Narayan! *runs toward it*
Kyoki: What's that?
Reiko: A temple.
Kyoki: Temple?? Are there monks? Can I eat them?
Reiko: No.
Kyoki: Oh, like I listen to you anyway. *runs off*
Reiko: She has a point. -_-"
Ryu: *teleporting from here and there, making popping noises* Hehehe!
Nari: That's getting old! >_<"" Hide: Almost at the entrance! Whoo! *crashes into someone* *both fall to the floor* Hide: Ouch! Sorry about that... *stares* Um... Cale: Hide?! What are you doing here- Kyoki: *leaps out of the bushes* MONK! *falls on Cale* It's all mine, I found it fir-- *sniffs* Hm... That definitely doesn't smell like purity of body and soul. Cale: Hey! *offended* What the hell are you doing here?! Kyoki: I suggest you watch your language! *growls* Hide: Kyoki, DOWN. And don't eat him! Kyoki: But I was all prepared, too. *pulls out a bottle of Worcester sauce* What a waste of baggage! But I'm not giving up! *runs off* Cale: *stands up very quickly* Well I've gotta get going I'm sorry I ran into you bye! *runs away*
Hide: Yeah sorry bye! O_o
Cale: *500 yards away* ~Did he recognize me? Impossible, he couldn't have! Phew...!~
Hide: *at the entrance to the temple* ~Did he recognize me? Impossible, he couldn't have! Phew...!~ *purifies himself*
Ryuu: *comes bounding up the steps and barges in the front door* Temples are cool! HONEY, I'M HOOOOME!!
Monk: Hey! You didn't purify yourself! *Judo-kicks Ryuu*
Ryuu: Wahh! *falls down the temple stairs*
Nari: *purifying herself* ...dumbass.
Ryuu: Hey!! ToT Be nice!
Megami: A temple! I'm so excited!
Monk: Hey! You! *runs up to Megami* *gasp* It IS you! Come look, everyone, the prophecy is true! The six-eyed goddess has returned!
Megami:, I think you've made a mistake...
Monk: No, no! It's true! Come look, everyone!
Monk 2: We must bring her to her Throne inside! *grabs her arm*
Megami: Hey-!!
A Group of Monks: *carries Megami inside*
Megami: I don't have six eyes!
Hide: Notice how she doesn't deny that she's a goddess. -_-#
Megami: I said I don't have six eyes! Are you deaf?!
Monk: It's just a metaphor!
Megami: For what?!
Monk: For your infinite wisdom!
Megami: How does having six eyes -
Monk: You will learn! *goes into a room and closes the door*
Reiko: ...why does she always get into situations like this!?
Nari: *sigh* Another rescue mission? They get SO boring.
Hide: We can't leave her behind, though.
Ryuu: Wait. If we rescue we get to fight monks?!??!?!
Nari: Uh...I guess...?
Ryuu: AHHHH! COUNT ME IN!! *runs inside* *gets kicked out again*
Everyone: *facepalm*

[[Okay, so that's what we've got so far. The underlining didn't copy over, and I didn't feel like taking the time to do it right now, but for future reference...PLEASE UNDERLINE CHARACTER NAMES! :) Also, publish in YOUR COLOR! :) This little bit is in black because I'm the last one who wrote.]]

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